Monday, September 27, 2021

Filling In The Gaps With Dental Implants


Losing a tooth is acceptable if it is a six-year old child, but if the person's an adult the situation is quite embarrassing. To be precise, it is physically and emotionally devastating, especially if the damage has got to do with the front row. There is a tremendous loss of self esteem and confidence. Making matters worse is the fact that you will never be able to re-grow a tooth in its place.

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A lost tooth may be the result of a dental disease or an accidental trauma. A fixed bridge or removal dentures are among the traditional fixes for missing teeth. However, the fear of a denture accidentally falling out when eating or drinking and the discomfort caused by an improperly fitted bridge make many wonder if they would have to roam toothless. However, you needn't despair. Dental implants are an ideal solution for missing teeth. Implants fill in the gaps for you and give you one more chance to flash your pearly whites confidently.

What You Must Know About Dental Implants

Dental implants are regarded as one of the best innovations in dentistry. Implants are titanium fittings that are screwed into the jaw bone. It does not replace a tooth, but a tooth root creating a firm anchor for what will be attached on the top. It is custom-made and designed out of biocompatible material. As a result, your body will not reject it as foreign material. Once the root has fused into the jaw bone, a restoration is attached. It is possible to remove the tooth and place the dental implant on the same day.

Fitting dental implants differs from other dentistry procedures. Other restoration procedures simply extract a decaying tooth or replace the crown. Unlike these, the former addresses the problem right at the root.

Why Dental Implants?

Many, particularly the older ones, dismiss the idea of getting implants fitted because they've grown old and have no need of a good set of teeth to impress a girl or a get a husband. However, dental implants are not all about the look. They have a functional purpose too.

The absence of one tooth affects the heath and placement of the rest. Immediately after the loss of a tooth, the bone that anchored it begins to recess. To add, the other teeth move in the direction of the gap. Fitting an implant will prevent bone loss and defects.

Missing teeth also affect speech clarity and implants in their place can rectify the problem easily.

It improves bite and chewing ability enabling you to enjoy a wider selection of foods.

Dental implants can also impact your facial structure positively. Bone loss further leads loss of muscle mass causing the skin to sag. Multiple lost teeth lead to hollow cheeks. Dental implants keep you looking good by revitalizing underlying bone structures and strengthening muscle.

Above all, with a look and feel like that of a natural tooth, it allows you to smile confidently.

Although it might seem trivial, a missing tooth is a dental emergency that demands immediate attention.

 Source: EzineArticles 

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